Monday, April 27, 2009

Some firsts

Grandma and pa Sullivan stopped in last weekend on their way to Columbus and ended up baby sitting while I went to a bridal shower and Mike was enjoying Kanka's bachelor party. Becca wasted no time in finding a book for Grandpa to read.

Patrick just enjoyed sitting in his lap.

Later in the week, I brought up the potty so Becca could get used to seeing it around. She decided to take full advantaged and peed in it three times that day. Don't get to excited, she hasn't repeated the performance yet.

Here we have Becca practicing being two. "NO!" has become her answer to everything, even when she's offered ice cream.

This weekend was sunny and 80+ degrees so we were outside as much as possible. Becca's ready to go.

Aren't they cool kids?

Grandma & pa Sullivan brought a bike with them just right for Patrick. He wasted no time trying it out. He did pretty well but didn't quite understand how to peddle. He'd start off right but when his foot reaching to top on the cycle, he'd push down and back in stead of forward.

He finally get get it but has trouble steering. Mike took a very short video of him riding his bike until he started heading for the street.

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Where Little Hats Play