Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Almost Christmas

Here we are just a little over a week away from Christmas and the kids are still as cute and sweet as ever. Becca had her first taste of Oreo this week. DO you think she liked it?

I caught Becca driving a little car around the living room.

And Patrick helping Becca, or at least he thinks he's helping.

But she can generally take care of herself.

Patrick loves to read and to be read to.

Becca is just learning to love books.

They're fun to dump on the floor.

Mike took this silly picture.

We went to a church potluck and Patrick got to sit with Santa.

Today we had a play date and Becca found the Showalter's Princess Jasmine headband.

Here my nutty kids are playing in a toy bin.

So Sam got in on the fun too.

I can't think of any specific crazy thinks Patrick has said this week. Becca has been heard saying "hi Dad","ba" (ball), and "Ma ma ma ma" when she's not happy. We hope you all have a wonderful week.

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