Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer Time Fun

 Some people take the summer off to relax and recharge.  Our kids just find more stuff to do.  Becca was invited to some Illinois High School Leaders thing.  She had a blast and hopes to return next summer to staff.

Cecilia decided to continue her softball career.  It was a rough season but I think all the girls had fun.  She even got a few chances to pitch.

We discovered a bird nesting in the spruce in the front yard.  There were 5 eggs at one point, but two have fallen out and we haven't see the mother in awhile.

Mike, Cecilia, Mary, and I attended a Peoria Chiefs game for Cub Scouts.

To make room for the adult ones, Cecilia had to have some teeth pulled.  She was less than thrilled about it.

Mary and Tilly hanging out on the couch.

Cecilia also participated in a Mud Run with some friends to raise money for St. Jude.

Mike and Becca went out to Philmont in New Mexico.  Mike will likely be making is own post with pictures from their trip soon.  I just have them getting off the train.

Two days, well really one and a half, after stepping off the train, Becca had all four of her wisdom teeth out.  She handled it like a champ.

We rapped up July with some Cub Scout kiddie pool kickball, always a good time.

The day school was over, Patrick stopped shaving.  I'm I crazy, or it that beard rather red?

Mike being weird with the dog.

I had to get a picture of four of the five kids, just enjoying the same show.

We are swiftly approaching the end of summer 2024.  Patrick is heading off to Benedictine, Becca will be a Junior and and trying to work out college options, George is denying that he will be a Freshman in high school next week, Cecilia is ready to conquer 6th grade, and Mary is moving up to 3rd.  I will be the 4th grade teacher once again but my hallway is being fixed so my room is rather filthy.  Thanks for dropping in and we will update when we can.

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Where Little Hats Play