Friday, August 26, 2011

August is Almost Over!

With all the excitement of starting school, I had to skip a few pictures last week. Here George is having a good time playing.

And an even better time in Dad's chair.

Becca is not to be out done in the cuteness department.

Patrick, still cute, seems to think he's too old for such silliness.

My beautiful children in a rare quite moment. They do really love and take care of each other.

On Monday while Pat was at school, George was overwhelmed with excitement.

Becca took the opportunity to play with her princess mat.

Here is some of the work Patrick has been doing at school. I love his peop

This is a note the teacher sent home the other day. I'm glad to read he's being a good boy.

Patrick really loves going to school and I love our morning walks to get there. The rest of us have adjusted to life at home without Pat, but the noise level jumps up again when he get's home.

1 comment:

Kate said...

My niece started all day kindergarten last week and I can't believe how quiet it is w/o her. My nephew never used to ask me to play w/ him and now he asks me all the time. I think we both miss her!

Where Little Hats Play