George officially slept through the night last night! He went down at 9PM, immediately rolled from his side to his stomach, and didn't make a sound until 6AM. Some of you might not understand my excitement. After all he is three months old. But his brother and sister were one and finished nursing before they slept through the night. Here's hoping he does it again at least every once in awhile.
I also witnessed George rolling over this morning. I've seen the result of him rolling but this was the first time I saw him do it. Then he did it again for the camera!
YAY!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. What an accomplishment! Sounds like George is gonna be a good kid :)
What a sweetheart!
Grandma Jan
The best part of the video is that you have Les Miserable (or Phantom...whichever) blaring in the background. DORK!!! ;)
Love - Pat
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