Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We Got a New Door!!!

After months of planning we finally got our new front door yesterday! The window is smaller and we no longer have cold drafts in the living room. It looks rather boring now but it will be painted a nice, bold color very soon.

On the down side, this is our back yard. It has rained a lot in the last 24 hours and the creek behind our house is moving very fast.

The kids continue to grow and explore new things. Mike took several picture of Becca moving and climbing on the little white chairs.

And isn't she proud of herself? Or maybe just happy to see Dad.

Patrick once again displayed is building skills with his Legos.

Becca and Gertie (her doll) enjoyed a nice moment in the rocking chair.

While I slaved over the dinner dishes, Patrick stole my sweatshirt and the kid proceeded to chase each other around the house.

I guess Becca got tired.

Right before bed, Patrick likes to catch up on local and world affairs.

Never a dull moment at our house! The vocabulary at our house keeps me guessing. Patrick keeps talking about a "consuit" whatever that is, and Becca is doing animal calls and naming body parts.
The funniest quote of this week has to be from Patrick. We saw some bikes at the store when we were running around last week, which he quickly pointed out. I told him Dad was the one to talk to about bike. SO the next night, after Becca had gone to bed, Patrick climbed into his father's lap and said "They have bikes at K-Mart. We can go get one, we can!" Mike told me he had to hold in his laugh because Patrick looked so serious. Patrick never misses an opportunity to re-open the subject.

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Where Little Hats Play