Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Its Lent!

Today is Ash Wednesday so the kids and I got up extra early to go to church. Patrick managed to keep the ashes on his head long enough for me to take this picture. I told him to look holy.

I was trying to document the rice in Becca's hair but you can't see it. Isn't she cute anyway?

Patrick has been going to story time at the library. He sits and listens while I chase Becca around the kids room.

Becca let me put a barrette in her hair and showed me her toy. Both were quickly discarded after this picture.

Patrick just being silly.

Last weekend, Mike bravely set up the train tracks while Becca was awake! Mike tried to take supplies to the castle on the train but Patrick didn't like that idea at all.

I love it when the kids gang-up on Dad instead of me.

Nothing to exciting is going on around here. We've been blessed with health, happy kids. Becca now moos and neighs but is still working on oinking. My personal favorite is when Count von Count is on Sesame Street and she says "ha ha ha" just like him!


Lauren said...

Happy Lent :-) Becca looks SO cute with the barette in her hair... I know someday she will let you put them in!!!! Glad to see you all are having fun!

Anna said...

CUTE! I love that Becca is making animal noises and sounding like the Count and Patrick being a little subborn:)

Where Little Hats Play