Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

In 1918, in a boxcar outside of Paris, the Germans and the Allied forces agreed the to end the greatest war the world had ever known at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Most of the world celebrates this day as Armistice Day, but we hare in the USA call it Veteran's Day. I would like to thank all the men and women in the armed forces for protecting us all.
Here at the Hatton house, the leaves have fallen. All 10 million of them! We had a great time this weekend playing in them. Here are some pictures.

Patrick had a great time throwing and kicking the leaves.

Mike brought out the football, of course.

Don't they look cozy?

I tried to make a leaf angel but it didn't work very well.

Mike sent in the troops to rescue me.

Becca also had a good time in the leaves once she got used to it.

We had good times in the house as well.

Here the kids are doing "push-ups" with Dad.

We'll end with the kids sitting on the cushion-less couch after Patrick threw-up on it last week.

I hope you enjoyed our silliness and will come back again sometime.

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Where Little Hats Play