Mike added a door for better access and put up the new walls and siding. This is the west wall.
Here the guys are working on the south wall.
This is the on the back porch where they took out some French doors and built a close for our bedroom last fall.
Here are the guys who did all the work. Thanks a million Mike and Pat. There are still two little walls to put siding on (the most complicated of course) but I think they did a great job. Please tell Mike how awesome you think he is, because he is!
Here are some shots of the kids being cute. Becca and Patrick made crowns at story time.
Becca had a chance to dance around the living room like a ballerina and loved it.
Random up-close shot of George.
George has had another bout of ear infections but is doing much better after two doses of medicine. Hopefully these teeth will make their final push soon and give the kid a short break. One little corner can be felt on the gums but no visible sign of teeth yet.