Monday, July 12, 2010

New and Old

Let's start with the new. This week I took the kids to "the rainbow park" to play in the water. There was a birthday party going on and one of the gentleman there was kind enough to invite us over for snow cones. It's nice to know kind people are still out there.

Becca was happy to pose for an up-close shot.

Patrick had fun too. George and I just sat on the side and watched.

I also have a back log of pictures I'd like to share. For Father's Day the kids got Mike's a chef's hat.

Patrick being goofy.

George discovered that he can put his toes in his month. We're very proud.

What a good looking bunch!

I have a medical mystery going on with me, nothing big I'm sure, but I would appreciate any prayers you could send me way. My best to you all.

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Where Little Hats Play