Thursday, January 22, 2009

SpaghettiOs and cameras

We've given up travel for the month so we have to make our own excitement around here. The kids had their first taste of SpaghettiOs this, a "food" I have avoided thus far due to its distinctive smell. As you can see, Patrick did a good job of keeping himself clean.

Becca, on the other hand, did not. She did manage to keep it out of her hair.

And she loved the mess!

A normal activity in our house. Patrick loves to have us read to him, sometimes he just "reads" to himself.

I pulled out the tu-tu Becca got from Annie. She loved running around in it.

And Mike liked making it and Becca fly. Becca didn't seem to mind at all.

I'll close with a picture of Patrick with his new camera. This is a real, working camera that claims to be able to withstand the roughest of children. Dave, I think Patrick likes his gift. He would have taken to bed last night if I would have let him.


Lauren said...

Oh dude, my 2.5 yr old nephew got a camera similar to that (rough and tough) for christmas!!!! He likes his too :-)

Janjanjan & Mark too said...

Meg, have you been quilting?
Looks like a quilt on the back of Mike's chair.
It's neat!
PS Glad I wasn't there to see Becca flying!

Where Little Hats Play