Friday, February 17, 2017

Mary's 1st Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Mary Elora's 1st birthday.  Here she is at breakfast, happily greeting the day.

You can't take out the camera and not take a picture of Lia.

Hey Mom, did you know if you open and shut this door over and over and over again, it makes a great noise?  Like it's hitting a big metal bowl?

After dinner, we opened gifts from G&G Sullivan.  Thanks for the outfit.
And thank you Godmother Chris for the card, balloon and cinnamon rolls.

Now its time to have cake for the first time.

She took her time.

Then she just went for it.

So big!

This is as much as she would eat.  She needed some help getting some more frosting on her face.

This morning, she got to try whole milk. Who knows what she thought, but she sure is stinkin' cute.

We are very grateful for the past year and to all be home together.  We never could have done it without all the support and love from our family and friends.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Becca's Adventure

Monday night around 8:30 Becca came downstairs saying she couldn't breathe very well.  It sounded like she was snoring when she exhaled.  She had done a saline breathing treatment earlier that night so we did on with albuterol. And she got worse.  So we went to the ER. 

Here she is getting another breathing treatment, one of three she received that night in the hospital.  The doctors were a little shocked that the first two didn't do the job.

An x-ray of the neck should nothing was trapped and the flap to the lungs was fine.  The x-ray of the lungs was clear.  What the heck was going on?

So Becca was admitted for the night.  By the time we got to her room and settled in, it was 1AM.  She went to sleep and I went to move the car.  I stayed with her while Mike manned the home front.

Tuesday morning was a lot of waiting for the pulminologist so she wasn't allowed to eat in case they needed to stick something down her throat. At about 12:30 she had another attack.  

I had Mary with me during the day.  Lia got an impromptu playdate at a friend's house(thanks Nicole!)  I had this in my arms for awhile.

When I left to pick up the other kids around 2:40, the resident had just visited Becca but not the attending.  I brought the other kids to visit for about an hour, but we left before dinner.  Don't worry, Mike left work very early and was with her when I wasn't.  I went back this morning with Lia and Mary and Mike went to work.  Like the good girl she is, Becca took some time to do homework.

FINALLY, around lunchtime today, Becca was cleared to go home!!!  

Let's get out of here.

Here she is in the van ready to leave the parking garage.  She's still very tired and a little wheezing, but she's back home and ready to get back to life.  

The doctors aren't really sure what caused the problem.  All the allergies came back negative, nothing was stuck in her throat, and her lungs are fine.  But we figured out how to treat the symptoms and have a lot of new meds in the house.  We are all very grateful to have Becca breathing right again.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

George's 7th Birthday

This week we celebrated George's 7th birthday.  We love our little man and his silly ways.

Grandma & pa S's gifts.  The card has R2D2 singing "Happy Birthday".

Here George is with his prize from speech for working so hard.

Mike was away this week so all the kids and I went to a basketball game to watch Patrick.  George drew this awesome picture while we were there.  I liked it better when only the basketballs had color.

Becca did an artist rendition as well.

Our school hosted a tournament yesterday.  Patrick got cold keeping the bench warm.
Here are some more shots from the past couple of weeks.

This week was also Catholic Schools week.  The Hatton Family singers once again performed (you can just see Mary was in the background).

Where Little Hats Play