Saturday, September 28, 2024

August and September

In late August we had to say good bye to the old swing set.  It had done more than its fair share of serves to the family.  The back yard still looks kinda weird. 

Patrick is exploring the wonderful world of college at Benedictine.  He was kind enough to send me a picture of him in his beanie.  He calls about once a week to chat and help Mary missing him a little less.
I turned 46 this September and got one of the best presents ever from Mary.  She wrote this on my classroom board.
Cecilia also started her 2nd XC season.  Here are some pictures of her running by.

Mary enjoys the meets because she gets to hang out with the other little siblings.

George is taking a welding class this semester and he brought this home after a few weeks.  Its not perfect but I think its pretty good for a beginner.

Last Friday, Cecilia made her cantor debut at St. Pat's school Mass.  She did great!

Mary also read a petition that morning.

Last Sunday, I was "attacked" by an inanimate sign at a Cub Scout meeting.  Despite the amount of blood, it wasn't too bad.

This is Homecoming week at WCHS and Becca was asked to go with a boy!

Cecilia also started her basketball season this week.  It was fun to see the 8th grade girls braiding each others hair while they watched the younger girls play.

I watched the parade on Friday .  This is the Junior float which Becca assured us was the best.

Three of the middle schools in town joined forces to make one "marching" band.  I used quotations because they were at best walking, no on the beat.  You can see Cecilia in the green shirt behind the other trombone in a green shirt.

Mike and Mary walked with the Cub Scouts again this year.

The St. Pat's band is small but mighty.

Tonight is the dance.  Becca was meeting her date and friends so I just took some pictures of her all dressed up.  And of course Mary wanted to join in.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A New Chapter for Patrick

We have one less kid in the house.  We drove him across Missouri to Atchison, Kansas.

We took most of the kids with us.

Here the back of St. Michael's Hall, his dorm for the year.
Here I am with the college kid in his room.

The obligatory college freshman by the school sign picture.
Mary is not be be left out.
After we moved his stuff in, which only took one trip thanks to the helpers, we explored the campus a bit.  I was very happy to see a small grotto with this beautiful waterfall.

My little Lourdes loving heart was happy to see St. Bernadette kneeling before our Mother.  They even have a stone from the original grotto in France.
After a late afternoon Mass, we said our good byes and headed home.  

I can easily see why Patrick chose Benedictine and know he will do well there.  We will miss him but know he is ready for this step. Love you Patrick!

School Begins 2024

There were some big moves for our kids this school year.  George started 9th grade, which means high school and going to the same school as a sibling. 

Becca began 11th grade taking a lot of hard classes and planning to take more AP tests.

Mary also made a move off the first floor and up to 3rd grade.  She is loving is so far.

Cecilia is in 6th grade, a true middle schooler this year.

The St. Pat's girls wanted to do something sassy.

Here is the obligatory picture of all my home kids going to school.  This year we will have 4 kids in just 2 schools instead of 5 kids in 4 schools like the last three years.  The schedule is much easier to keep track of now.

Here are some pictures with Tilly.  

That's it for now.  I will share more about Patrick in the next post.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer Time Fun

 Some people take the summer off to relax and recharge.  Our kids just find more stuff to do.  Becca was invited to some Illinois High School Leaders thing.  She had a blast and hopes to return next summer to staff.

Cecilia decided to continue her softball career.  It was a rough season but I think all the girls had fun.  She even got a few chances to pitch.

We discovered a bird nesting in the spruce in the front yard.  There were 5 eggs at one point, but two have fallen out and we haven't see the mother in awhile.

Mike, Cecilia, Mary, and I attended a Peoria Chiefs game for Cub Scouts.

To make room for the adult ones, Cecilia had to have some teeth pulled.  She was less than thrilled about it.

Mary and Tilly hanging out on the couch.

Cecilia also participated in a Mud Run with some friends to raise money for St. Jude.

Mike and Becca went out to Philmont in New Mexico.  Mike will likely be making is own post with pictures from their trip soon.  I just have them getting off the train.

Two days, well really one and a half, after stepping off the train, Becca had all four of her wisdom teeth out.  She handled it like a champ.

We rapped up July with some Cub Scout kiddie pool kickball, always a good time.

The day school was over, Patrick stopped shaving.  I'm I crazy, or it that beard rather red?

Mike being weird with the dog.

I had to get a picture of four of the five kids, just enjoying the same show.

We are swiftly approaching the end of summer 2024.  Patrick is heading off to Benedictine, Becca will be a Junior and and trying to work out college options, George is denying that he will be a Freshman in high school next week, Cecilia is ready to conquer 6th grade, and Mary is moving up to 3rd.  I will be the 4th grade teacher once again but my hallway is being fixed so my room is rather filthy.  Thanks for dropping in and we will update when we can.

Little Hats

Where Little Hats Play